Dynamic library functions’ listing

Sometimes it would be useful to see what functions does export dynamic library.

There is very useful solaris tool which may help


example usage:

/usr/ccs/bin/./nm /lib/libmd5.so

[Index]   Value      Size    Type  Bind  Other Shndx   Name

[27]    |         0|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |1      |
[2]     |       148|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |1      |
[3]     |       308|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |2      |
[4]     |       612|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |3      |
[5]     |       972|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |4      |
[6]     |      1004|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |5      |
[7]     |      1060|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |6      |
[8]     |      1100|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |7      |
[9]     |      1208|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |8      |
[10]    |      1268|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |9      |
[11]    |      5392|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |10     |
[12]    |      5472|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |11     |
[13]    |      5600|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |12     |
[14]    |      5604|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |13     |
[15]    |     73728|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |14     |
[16]    |     73740|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |15     |
[17]    |     73852|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |16     |
[18]    |     74068|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |17     |
[19]    |     74108|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |18     |
[20]    |     74120|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |19     |
[21]    |     74184|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |20     |
[22]    |         0|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |21     |
[23]    |         0|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |22     |
[24]    |         0|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |1      |
[25]    |         0|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |23     |
[26]    |         0|       0|SECT |LOCL |0    |24     |
[43]    |      5304|      88|FUNC |LOCL |0    |9      |Encode
[48]    |      1588|     136|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |MD5Final
[52]    |      1268|      60|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |MD5Init
[42]    |      1772|    3532|FUNC |LOCL |0    |9      |MD5Transform
[65]    |      1328|     260|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |MD5Update
[40]    |     74120|      64|OBJT |LOCL |0    |19     |PADDING
[63]    |         0|       0|OBJT |GLOB |0    |ABS    |SUNW_1.1
[59]    |     73852|       0|OBJT |GLOB |0    |16     |_DYNAMIC
[30]    |     74184|       0|OBJT |LOCL |0    |20     |_END_
[57]    |     73728|       0|OBJT |GLOB |0    |14     |_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
[50]    |     73740|       0|OBJT |GLOB |0    |15     |_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[28]    |         0|       0|OBJT |LOCL |0    |1      |_START_
[56]    |         0|       0|NOTY |WEAK |0    |UNDEF  |__1cG__CrunVdo_exit_code_in_range6Fpv1_v_
[54]    |         0|       0|NOTY |WEAK |0    |UNDEF  |__1cH__CimplKcplus_fini6F_v_
[58]    |         0|       0|NOTY |WEAK |0    |UNDEF  |__1cH__CimplKcplus_init6F_v_
[35]    |     74112|       0|NOTY |LOCL |0    |18     |_cpp_finidata0
[51]    |     74184|       0|OBJT |GLOB |0    |19     |_edata
[62]    |     74184|       0|OBJT |GLOB |0    |20     |_end
[61]    |      5864|       0|OBJT |GLOB |0    |13     |_etext
[60]    |         0|       0|NOTY |WEAK |0    |UNDEF  |_ex_deregister
[36]    |      5600|       0|NOTY |LOCL |0    |12     |_ex_range0
[46]    |      5600|       0|NOTY |LOCL |0    |12     |_ex_range1
[53]    |         0|       0|NOTY |WEAK |0    |UNDEF  |_ex_register
[34]    |     74084|       0|NOTY |LOCL |0    |17     |_ex_shared0
[45]    |     74100|       0|NOTY |LOCL |0    |17     |_ex_shared1
[37]    |      1268|       0|NOTY |LOCL |0    |9      |_ex_text0
[47]    |      5392|       0|NOTY |LOCL |0    |9      |_ex_text1
[32]    |      5472|     128|FUNC |LOCL |0    |11     |_fini
[29]    |      5392|      80|FUNC |LOCL |0    |10     |_init
[31]    |      5604|       4|OBJT |LOCL |0    |13     |_lib_version
[55]    |         0|       0|FUNC |GLOB |0    |UNDEF  |bcopy
[49]    |         0|       0|FUNC |GLOB |0    |UNDEF  |bzero
[33]    |         0|       0|FILE |LOCL |0    |ABS    |crti.s
[44]    |         0|       0|FILE |LOCL |0    |ABS    |crtn.s
[1]     |         0|       0|FILE |LOCL |0    |ABS    |libmd5.so.1
[39]    |         0|       0|FILE |LOCL |0    |ABS    |md5.c
[64]    |      1724|      48|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |md5_calc
[41]    |      5608|     256|OBJT |LOCL |0    |13     |md5_consts
[38]    |         0|       0|FILE |LOCL |0    |ABS    |values-Xa.c</em></blockquote>

Shared libraries conversion

I was wondering if it’s possible to convert binary dynamic library to a shared static library and vice versa.  I’ve done some research and I found a solution to do it but only in one direction.

ar -x libtermcap.a

extracts static library to .o object, then you can compile it to dynamic library

gcc -shared *.o -o libtermcap.so.2

Unfortunately it looks like that conversion in opposite direction is impossible.